Home Services Conversion Optimisation

Conversion Optimisation

You can have the most impressive looking website with the world’s best products on offer, but if nobody visits your site or worse still; nobody purchases your products or services, then what’s the point?

If you’re selling online, you can’t look past the importance of conversions.

What are Conversions?

Depending on the industry you’re in, a conversion may be having a user place a query via your website’s contact form or having someone sign up to a newsletter. Most commonly though, it’s about making a sale. It’s called a conversion because the entire process is about converting a browser into a buyer.

BrisDigital are strong believers in conversion optimisation. We specialise in ensuring your website is optimised to convert those visitors who are just looking, into your newest customer. Obviously we can’t force someone to purchase your products or services but we can ensure your website’s look, feel and overall flow is designed in the most effective way to help turn those window shoppers into buyers.

This is done through a comprehensive review of your existing website after which we may suggest one or a combination of a number of the following activities:

1) Interface improvements

Slick interfaces look pretty but that doesn’t mean they’re effective in controlling a user’s movement around your website. An optimised interface will help seamlessly guide visitors to your site to exactly where you want them without being pushy. Easy navigation is key to keeping people clicking on your website and instead of on the “Go Back” button.

2) Content is king

You can’t make sales without visitors and visitors won’t stay to your site unless they find the content captivating. Improvements to your current website’s content can often reassure buyers they are making the right decision. If you struggle to right your own content, the team here at BrisDigital can help you generate unique and engaging content that will attract visitors, and keep them interested in what you have to offer. Content in a post-penguin world, is crucial to the success of any SEO strategy.

3) Everything’s going mobile

It is commonplace now for sites to report over 40% of their traffic coming from mobile browsers. If your site (especially your shopping cart) isn’t mobile friendly or at the very least, responsive, you’re going to be missing out on valuable sales. After all, if customers can’t peruse your site on their mobile phone, they certainly can’t make a purchase on it.

4) Shopping cart optimisation

Shopping cart abandonment is a curse of e-commerce. It’s where customers have converted (in their minds, at least) and are ready to purchase, but they can’t because the software is not intuitive enough or the purchase flow is faulty, frustrating or just too long. BrisDigital are experts in shopping carts setup and navigability and know how to create easy-to-use shopping carts and pain-free shopping experiences for your newest customers.

5) Path analysis

Whether you know it or not, your site has statistics around visitor flow and pathways and we know how to analyse and decipher those layers of data in order to see valuable patterns which can greatly benefit website optimisation. By decrypting this information, we can easily see which areas of your site are working well, which ones aren’t and which ones are in dire need of further review and optimisation.

6) Multivariate testing

You might only have one website but that doesn’t mean you can target only one type of user. Our multivariate testing means we can run different tests on the same site, allowing us to figure out which graphic, headline or pathway works best with different demographic on any particular site.

BrisDigital can work with you to deliver an effective conversion optimisation strategy to get your website performing at its peak. Call us now on (07) 3040 2505 or click here to contact us today.