Home Digital Media and Marketing Scholarship

Digital Media and Marketing Scholarship

BrisDigital have built a reputation for excellence in search engine optimisation, search marketing, online advertising, and all things digital. We love to give back to our community and because you’ve given us so much we’re happy to announce we will now be offering a scholarship each year to one lucky student whose application impresses us the most.

In conjunction with the team at eBladeAustralia’s favourite swegway supplier, we have put together a package of $1000 on offer to any student who needs it. With all of our staff be they marketing experts, programmers or designers having been through university, we understand the importance of getting a good education. By investing back into the community we believe we can help bring about a better future for the world. Through investment in new ideas, and the passion and drive of entrepreneurial youth, great things can be achieved.

happy graduated studentsWe’ve decided to offer a yearly scholarship to help struggling students get through their education with ease. The money can be used for books, tuition, food, computers or anything else that might lighten the burden of doing a tough university degree. While preference may be given to students who are studying in marketing or digital media related fields, we are not restricting the scholarship to these students only. Regardless of what type of education your are seeking, if you can impress us with your application we may still select you to be our scholarship winner for the year.

BrisDigital are making this scholarship available to students worldwide who provide an essay of up to 1000 words on how they think their education can help make the world a better place OR a video of up to 5 minutes posted on YouTube or any other similar video sharing website discussing the same.

Essay applications can be emailed to our team at [email protected] or can be posted anywhere on the Internet e.g. a personal blog, your online diary or any other online publishing platform. All scholarship applications in either written or video format should link back to www.brisdigital.com.au either in the text or in the description that goes with the video.

How to Apply

Students who are interested in applying are required to:

  • Compose an article application of up to 1000 words OR publish a video of up to 5 minutes about how you believe furthering your education can help to make the world a better place.
  • Please ensure all content in the application is original, any students with submissions containing plagiarised content will not be eligible to win the scholarship.
  • Publish your essay either in Word format and send it to us, or post it anywhere on the Internet, i.e. your personal blog, YouTube, or any other online publishing platform. Please include a link to www.brisdigital.com.au in the content so we can easily find your work.
  • If you choose to do a video submission please ensure it is 5 minutes or less in duration. If you choose this method please also email us the script of your video or post it alongside the video in the description. If you need help with this please feel free to get in touch with one of the digital marketing gurus on our team and we can help you figure it all out.
  • Regardless of where you post your essay or video, please email us with a brief message about your essay, and your full contact details so we can get in touch with you if you are the selected scholarship winner.

Who is Elegible?

Any full time university students at any globally recognized university or college. There are no age limitations on applicants as long as they are currently enrolled.

When is the Scholarship Awarded?

Applications should be submitted by the end of June 30th, 2016. The winning applicant will be selected on or before July 10th, 2016. As this is an annual scholarship all applications given after the end of June will go towards next years scholarship award should the student remain eligible.

Do I need to be Enrolled to Apply?

Yes, you must be a currently enrolled student to apply for the BrisDigital Scholarship.

university graduatesAward Amount

BrisDigital are offering $1000 to the student application we believe deserves the scholarship the most. Current staff and friends of anyone on the team at BrisDigital are not eligible to apply for the award. Students who are interested in furthering their studies in SEO, digital marketing, social media, and digital media are strongly encourages to apply.

Selection Process

The team at BrisDigital will review all submissions and once the winner has been selected, they will be contacted by phone.

Additional Information

If you have any questions about the BrisDigital scholarship or scholarship process, please get in contact with us via email at [email protected]. Our friendly team of digital marketing experts are always happy to help.